V2057 update and Chromecast

Hi all.

After installing the new update, I noticed three things besides the inclusion of Tidal hi res flacs.

  1. a much nore agreeable and usable Webclient interface (with scrollable menus on Android, finally!) that makes MusicLife totally redundant

  2. a more stable Spotify Connect, with which I had problems in the past

  3. alas, dropouts in Chromecast that make it nigh unusable, which is a big no-no for me and an emergency

Obviously the first two are very welcome --even though (2) will have to be tested in time. But (3) is a very serious issue. I don’t know if it’s linked to the update or not, but any ideas as to what I can do will be much appreciated.

There is a firmware update for SA30?

Does this have the Tidal Connect update?
I only really use Room and UPNP, but I might check it later

Yes, there is!

I don’t know if the changes in the Webclient are indeed a direct result of the update, but still.

I read in older threads that problems with Chromecast were common after updates. Unfortunately, the solution a Dutch friend had found seems no longer applicable since the settings in the Home app have changed.

My SA30 is now showing in the app, but in permanent “not connected” status.

I’ve reported the issue to Arcam, let’s see what they have to say.

So no Chromecast means it will no longer show on Google Home so cannot connect to home network anymore?

That indeed is a serious issue so I will not upgrade for now

Thanks for the information, I downloaded the firmware and unzipped it
I tried to update via the web page but I got the not enough available space message.

I will have another look tomorrow to see if I can do it over USB or from the remote menu.
I pretty much never use Chromecast with the SA30 so I can live without that

It might be worthwhile removing the SA30 as a device in Google Home before updating. Then afterwards add it back as a new device. That time seems like the safest option although not tried myself yet.

Can anyone post a screen shot of what the new web client looks like please?

In theory, according to release notes, there are no changes other than the Tidal high res support, but I guess it’s not the first time we’ve had patchy release notes!

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Well, I followed Madfiddler’s advice and it worked… until I reloaded my Dirac curves. I think there is some sort of conflict there, because last time I did it I noticed a message in Dirac Live that the SA30 is not the same as the one I measured or something like that, obviously because of the update. I haven’t tried to remeasure but now I haven’t loaded the old curves and Chromecast is back.

So thank you Madfiddler for the tip! Here is a screenshot from the Webclient. It’s funny that they have used a JBL SA750 image :joy:

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I found the time to do some calibrating and I have bad news: it seems that there is indeed some conflict between Chromecast and Dirac after the update. At least in my case, I can have the one or the other but not both. The moment I selected a curve, the Chromecast connection crashed and it’s not coming back now no matter what.

As you can already see in the picture of eyebee there is no possibility to use TIDAL or HIRESAUDIO in the WebClient anymore. Furthermore lots of radio stations apps have been eliminated (I always used CALM radio for Merengue music).
And - there is now a total mismatch in the MusicLife app: Some radio stations apps can be used, some not.
But now the worst new experience with the MusicLife app: I can stream music of TIDAL on my smartphone, but not - via network - on the SA30.
But now the good things: Streaming with TIDALconnect is now HIRES and - I can still use Bubble Upnp for HIRES streaming of TIDAL.

If you have tidal connect with hires, why on earth would you be wanting it via MusicLife? Radio stations disappearing is obviously not great, but that has always been a bit sporadic in terms of availability, I don’t know but possibly not an Arcam issue per say?

Regarding radio in the MusicLife App: I do not have any radio stations anymore. It seems they broke it completely.

But within the new webclient (available within the browser) all radio stations are working as well as presets etc. It is a okish workaround.

If you watch the video review of Radia ST5 streamer by Hans Beekhuyzen, you will see that the new Webclient is exactly the same in layout (and probably functionality) with the new Radia software.

So all in all, I think we should be satisfied that the SA30 was not abandoned after all in favour of the new series, as we were (justifiably) complaining all this time, and instead we got an update we didn’t even ask for or expect (since we only expected Tidal Hires).

I for one find the new Webclient pretty good, so no complaints that Musiclife (that I wasn’t even using) is now redundant.

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Could you please tell me how you unzipped the image.swu file?

I just used 7Zip on my Windows PC, but I imagine if you double click on it on Mac or Windows it will open and give you a file called image.swu which can be copied to a memory stick. I have not done the update yet as I have not had time.

With the latest update v2057 and performing net reset and system reset, it is no longer possible to connect the device to wifi for AirPlay, I found the following way out of this situation: roll back to the previous firmware, connect to wifi and then update to the latest firmware without performing a net reset, can’t believe they release so broken updates…

I don’t need this update because I don’t listen to Tidal but my SA30 keeps trying to update itself and failing every time I turn it on and it’s getting a bit annoying. I am not connected to Google home and I have OTA updates disabled in the settings.

I know there is a way to block the connection using AdGuard but I am happy to update if I can get confidence that I won’t have other issues. It’s been mentioned that I may have problems re loading my DIRAC curves and with Airplay both of which I use.

Has anyone successfully updated and not had issues with these?

Have you found a solution yet?

Well it seems certain that, at least in my case, the new update has a Chromecast problem because said connection (and Google Home) behaves erratically even with Dirac off (of course with Dirac on, it doesn’t connect at all).

Arcam Support sent me a bundle to roll back to the previous firmware and then reinstall the latest one, hoping it will set things straight. It didn’t.

Now I am back at the previous firmware and Chromecast plays like a charm, Dirac and all. Of course Webclient went back to being crap but I can live with that since I use Plexamp to play my local files.

I haven’t tried the solution proposed by @Zion though. I will give that a go when I find the time and repost.

Do you still get Tidal hi-res and the new Webclient without net resetting?

Here are informations that says that a net reset is not needed after update?
