Is anyone having issues getting their SA30 to update to V 1.72 Network V 1206? Both USB and the browser are uncooperative…
I did it easy through network, using update file
What are your current versions? What exactly happens when you try to update via the SA30 web page?
Thank you for your reply. I am currently on the build preceding. I am unable to update. The ARCAM tech support team has indicated that there are some people who will be unable to update until a fix is found. Have you made it to the current release?
Thank you for your reply. Please expand. Are you referring to going through the browser, and importing the file, per the instructions? I have done this. I was receiving the ‘net updating’ message on my SA30 for up to one hour with no avail. I’m stuck on current version until a fix is implemented.
I’m just following the instruction in the pdf file . Today updated my friend’s streamer ST60 , same way , following the instructions in the pdf file.
I did too. Some of the SA30’s are not taking the upgrade, regardless. I’m not sure why. I will continue to try. How long did the upgrade take once you started and imported the .swu file?
Yes, My update via the web interface went smoothly. The display showed Net Updating and the progress bar moved across the bottom. Then it rebooted to latest firmware. But In the past I have had updates that showed no progress bar and took 30 min or so until I finally just switched off the deck and back on and the update completed. So I have seen quirky update behavior. I have had the best luck using the web interface. I assume you have redownloaded the firmware and tried again? Is your SA 30 still operational?
Thank you for your reply! I will make another attempt, and redownload the .swu file. Yes, my unit is still operational. Just on the preceding software version. It’s primarily an issue while hi-res streaming and decoding of particular files, MQA/FLAC higher than 44.1kHz. I have not made it past 1st stage, to see a progress bar. So i will re-attempt. If’ all else fails, I will be exchanging the unit for another SA30. As i just added PA240. My dealer is flexible and has no issue with an exchange, as this software updated issue is affecting thousands of users.
I had a few issues similar to what has been reported in that I got the NET UPDATING on the screen but no progress bar. This was both using the USB update and the web browser process. I left it like that for a while and then when I did a hard restart it starting updating (progress bar popped up). Then is restarted automatically and I have the latest software. I’d say just keep trying!
Thank you for your reply Ben! I re-downloaded the file and this i was finally successful. It only took 15 min max. I then performed only a NET Reset. And reconnected everything. I now have correct version. Although, I have not performed a SYSTEM reset.
Best to do a system reset and reload the Dirac filters. Make sure your Dirac Live software is up to date as well. Good luck!