Qobuz Play Only 30 seconds sample after last update

Hello since i updated to the last update, my qobuz Play only 30second sample, is it a way to fix that? Thank for help

Sure the update hasn’t just logged you out of Qobuz and you need to just log back in?

Sure, i already try to log out and reconnect.

You’re right. The update breaks Qobuz integration from MusicLife. You can, however, run Qobuz successfully from the Webinterface (/webclient/). I downgraded for now.

How did you downgrade your unit?

The former firmware version is back on the site from Arcam. Probably, because they found out that there are some bugs in the new one. I put my Arcam in Netupdate mode and attached an UTP cable. I went to the webpage of the Arcam and dropped the old firmware there. Did a netreset and a systemreset afterwards

This is my main streaming source, so even with a few other improved things, no way I’m updating yet!

I use Roon and that is stable with both firmware versions. Tidal Connect worked with the latest version, but Qobuz integration was broken.

Wanted to take à lifetime roon but the price too hight for me :smiling_face_with_tear: