Welcome to the forum! Could you please answer the following:
The SA30 firmware version is unknown to me. Could you please confirm the version? It can be found by pressing menu button on the front of the SA30, system info, version.
You state you are using the latest version of the Music Life Android app. The latest available in Play Store is 2.1.7 (229). I assume this is the version you are referring to.
The current Music Life version on iOS released in the App Store is 3.0.2. This version is a huge improvement to it’s predecessor version 2.7.x. I known the current Music Life version on Android isn’t on the same feature and quality level compared to the iOS version.
Normally I would try to reproduce the issue before I open a ticket. However I do not own recent hardware to run Music Life on Android 10. Therefore I’ll open a ticket once you deliver the additional information.
I am using the most recent Music Life, it’s just that it won’t now launch for me to check the number! But it is the current version as on the Google Store.
Since writing I have received a useful reply from Ed at Arcam Support. He wrote:
“…we have replaced the android development team with a new one who have recently begun work to completely re-engineer music life for android so that it is inline with the IOS version. This will give dedicated streaming options for the SA30 and enable Tidal MQA playback and airable without having to enter the webgui”.
That’s better than the earlier replies I received from Harmon Luxury in California, who didn’t even seem to be aware that there was an issue or why it was their problem.
I added the version info to your starting topic and created a ticket for it. Indeed, it is good to read that there is some development effort going to be spend. All we can do now is wait for their first delivery