switch on Arcam SA30 version 1.41, build 867 is used
If I put SA30 on standby, it often happens that the menu if I enter it automatically closes after a few seconds. This never happens if I turn the SA30 completely OFF.
Actual result
the menu if I enter it automatically closes after a few seconds.
Expected result
The menu must be kept open until I close it myself.
Additional information
This never happens if I turn the SA30 completely OFF.
“If I put SA30 on standby, it often happens that the menu if I enter it automatically closes”
How to you manage to get into the menu while the SA30 is in standby? Is there a step missing in the scenario which describes an action I should execute?
“This never happens if I turn the SA30 completely OFF.”
I do not understand: once the SA30 is shutdown then the SA30 doesn’t do anything. Could you rephrase the this sentence or add missing steps in the scenario?
Ok. excuse me for being vague. If I put the SA30 on standby and then wake it up from standby mode, this error sometimes occurs. But if I put the SA30 in the off position using the button on the device and then it starts with the button on the device, that problem never occurs.
I cannot reproduce this issue. The issue doesn’t reproduce neither after a wake up nor after a power cycle the menu always closes after about 35 seconds.
Oh, I did not know you were using the remote control, I wil give it a try later on this day. I thought you were using the menu button on the SA30 front console.
This was a problem that I raised with Arcam at the very beginning. Menus would display for a few seconds then go back. I thought that it had been cured. I can’t replicate this either now.
I cannot reproduce the closing menu I see on your video. If I press the menu button on the remote control then the menu remains open until I press the RTN-button. I tried to reproduce it while listening to ARC, music from my NAS (I used MusicLife app) and a radio stream (also selectable through MusicLife)
I see you’re using Roon, could you try one of methods I used?