Does anyone know what the microphone that comes with the SA30 is and if a Umik-1 would be much better or isn’t there going to be much difference between them?
If I thought there was likely to be a big improvement I’d get probably get one but if there’s not much in it there’s no point.
I have been told by others I trust that the UMIC-1 is a big improvement over any included mic.
I bought one that arrived a few days ago but I will not have a chance to test it out for a another month sorry to say.
I will try it when I get back and let you know, but hopefully someone who has already been through this will reply first and confirm it
The Umik-1 works like a charm with the software. Never used the included mic; the measurements were done by a professional using the umik… he told me never to fiddle around with included mics for serious results…
I have one myself for the other setups in the house not having Dirac built in… (using REW there.)
Must admit I’ve looked before and never found anything … I just happened onto flea bay yesterday and offered £72 for one from a seller with nearly 3000 feedback’s and 100% so thought it why not … think I just got lucky