Recommended speakers for SA30

Hello, as last topic about it its already 3 years old maybe something new popup. Anyone can recommend speakers that you like with SA30?

List +/- from previous topic

B&W 704 S2
Spendor A4
MartinLogan Motion 40i
Q Acoustics Concept 500
audiovector sr3 avantgarde
Sonus Faber Sonetto III / VII
paradigm founder 80f
Monitor Audio Gold 200
Focal 926
Audio Physic Classic 15
Dynaudio Evoke 30


I am using Monitor Audio Silver 500 speakers with mine and couldn’t be happier.

Surely there is far too much personal preference for this conversation to have any value though?

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I had the Focal 926’s with mine for about 6 months, for the money they’re incredible speakers with amazing detail BUT I have tinnitus and am sensitive to anything “bright” … combined with some of my preferred artists from the 70/80’s not having teh best recordings found that metal tweeter’s is generally not my thing … If you like a slightly brighter sound they’d be hard to beat.
I tried Monitor Audio Silver 300’s and found much the same, lovely lows / mids and one of the best I heard at low level listening but fo rthe above didn’t hang onto these either.

I home trialed the Spendor A7’s whilst I owned the Focals and found the A7’s lower end generally lacking in comparison, they sounded like you were standing right next to the kick drum which was amazing but very liitle between that and the mids so hung onto teh Focals at that time … would have thought the A4’s wouldn’t be as good as the A7’s were.

Would have liked to try the Sonus and Dynaudios you mentioned as I believe they fall in the neutral to warm catagory but ended up with ProAc D20’s.

As @stickleback123 says though you really need to hear them yourself, personally I’m not a huge fan of shop demos either as they can sound completely different when you get them home but hopefully my comments have given some insight to some of them.

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I’m running Spendor A2 with mine. I might have been tempted with the A4 but it was a logistical decision. I’ve been very happy with the pairing.

Having said that your room is a big part of what you hear. Dirac Live can help of course. I was able to trial at home which helped a lot.

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I tested about 8 pairs of speakers with the SA30
The best sounding speakers I initially tried were the Spendor A7 so I am sure that the A4 would also be wonderful.

I ended up blowing my budget and getting the Spendor D7.2 as I had never heard anything that sounded this good.

A friend of mine also has the SA30 with B&W 704 S3 (or very close) and he loves the sound of it

i just buy my sa30, second hand but still 14months of guarantee so its fine

Made this topic to see what is worth to try as most of us know its possible to “rent” speakers and try them at home but with list its just easier, I can go to the shop see how speakers working with sa30 and then pick up 2-3 models and see how they will behave at home. Thats it. Main reason why i create this topic again. Seems they SA30 works best with Spendor and B&W

Good luck with your search.
The shop I went and spent the day at actually got an SA30 in for testing so I could test with what I was going to use when at home. I was planning on taking the amp in with me until that point

As previously mentioned, I think it will boil down to which speakers you like. The SA30 will be capable of driving almost anything you throw at it, and you can also adjust their bass (or treble) response in your room using Dirac. FWIW, I use it with Monitor Audio Silver 10 (500 5G by today’s naming) and it’s a great match. At the dealer’s I had auditioned the amp with a pair of JBL L82 Classic and it too was very dynamic, detailed and full-bodied.

Edit: It will also sound good with almost anything as well. I have nothing against Class D amps, but some speakers are fussy about them. In the aforementioned audition, we had compared the SA30 with a Cambridge Audio EVO 150 on the JBLs. It was astonishing how thin and meager the EVO sounded compared to the Arcam despite its supposedly higher and more stable wattage.

I love my SF Cremona Audiotor M sound powered by SA30. Every percussion hit is placed precisely inside or outside the room, and the vocalists sings like standing in front of me. But if you expect bass to move the fornitures, you have to find something bigger. I’m totally satisfied with it. Usually I don’t pump volume upper then 20%. But my daughter who loves more party style music is satisfied event though I’ve limited volume control to 50%.

I’ve bought them both together, so I didn’t hear SA30 much with another speakers. But on quick trial with my previous set of devices SA30 with Eltax LR6 sounded better, then Cremona’s with Denon AVR1708.

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