New here, with brand spanking new sa30!

Hi all, I have been lurking here for some time & agonising over buying the sa30 or something else. Anyway, got a pretty good deal on a new one (£1200) which arrived a few days ago. It came with the newest firmware & “appears” to be behaving properly. Yes, the music life app is a bit clunky but it mostly works & I have alternatives to use.
Getting an integrated amp streamer has been a bit of a wrench for me, but the convenience factor is the heaviest weighted. My previous setup sounds great but is a bit of a faff & the rasp pi stuff needs much maintenance.
I am liking the sound of the arcam, it seems very resolving without being harsh. It certainly pushes the kefs better at low volumes. Soundstaging is pleasing too. I would like to hook up the denafrips dac, just out of interest as that presents soundstage beautifully. I am not quite sure how to do this as, i understand, the pre outs are amplified as well. Any info there appreciated. Very much looking forward to experimenting with Dirac as well.

[[ If anyone is interested-My previous setup: Quad 405-2 class A 100w amp with stage 5 Dada electronics modifications, Quad 34 pre amp, Denafrips Aeries 2 r2r ladder Dac, Allo Digione signature & USBridge sig- raspberry pi based streamer with Allo shanti lps, Nad C541bee CD with Kef LS50 speakers, the old ones not the metas

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congrats. simply use the denafrips rca outs into a pair of the sa30 rca inputs.

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congratulations @mattsp on your purchase and that is a great deal for this wonderful sounding system.

Please post feedback as you get this working, remembering that there is direct mode if you want to bypass the DAC, but then you cannot use that with Dirac. I have been through this conundrum (:wink:) with my GoldNote Phono Pre, but the wife told me we were having Dirac on as it reduced the bass boom feedback, even though I wanted the more analogue sound :blush:

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Thanks. I was hoping to bypass the onboard dac & be able to insert the denafrips into that stream , not sure if this is possible. Or i will be back to square 1 with the raspberry pi transport :slight_smile:

Sorry Matt only just seen your reply.

You can go into analogue direct mode but then you don’t get to use Dirac.
It’s always a trade off at that point. Personally I preferred the benefits of Dirac to a pure analogue signal chain.
The good news is you can pick whichever one you prefer