Feature Request, ST-60 Display information of the MQA unfold status on digital inputs

Short description of the requested feature

It would be nice to have some kind of information on the ST-60 display when fed from the digital inputs, whether the incoming data is detected as MQA, the level of unfolding performed, input sample rate/bit depth output sample rate / bit depth, and provenance information

How could that work?

1: Tidal streaming MQA FLAC through a computer on Input 1 (passthrough MQA)
2: ST60 display showing not only the input selected, but the level of unfolding performed, input sample rate/bit depth output sample rate / bit depth, and provenance information
Display suggested layout
Digital 1
MQA (provenance)
unfold state 2: 44/24 -->192/24

3: Provenance may be just MQA or MQA studio

User community interest

Would you be interested in such feature? Please reply to the poll.

  • I like this feature request, please consider it.
  • I don’t care.

0 voters

Hi Jose, thank you for posting the first ST60 feature request on the SA30 forum :slight_smile:
I enabled the poll for you. Lets see how many ST60 enthusiasts we have here :wink:

Oops! Sorry, I was a little confused. But it is a neat feature for both devices and their firmware seem to be from similar source code…

One feature I would love to see for the SA30 is to be able to rename input sources… Is this a possibility for the future maybe?


@LuckyLuke You probably want to create a new thread for this as a feature request.

I would second this by the way. Bugs me that a CD player via analogue is labelled CD but if you connect digitally it won’t be. Having said that you can’t change the labels on the remote :man_shrugging:t2:

Hi madfiddler, Taken up your suggestion in the hope it gets people to thin about adding the feature option.


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