Well after a month of ownership I’m really enjoying the sound of the SA30. Last week i added a IFI lan silencer and immediately the sound was better. It took the digital harshness from streaming. I left it just over a week of use now I’m left with a sensational sound stage. The sound is really detailed but very smooth the separation in the music is lovely.
Have a good weekend and enjoy your music!
Hi Phil. Glad you are enjoying your SA30, like so many of us. Would be interesting to know what you are running your amp with in terms of speakers & speaker cables. I am running mine with MA Gold 100 using VanDamme HiFi cables.
Hi Luke,
I’m using Martin Logan motion 40i with tellurium Q black II.
Hi Luke,
I have very good result with the new Audio Physic Spark monitors combined with Supra cables.